Nebraska Healthcare Workforce Center Launches Website
Maintaining an adequate healthcare workforce remains a top priority throughout Nebraska. Although providers, educators and legislators throughout the state are diligently working to retain existing healthcare personnel, while also increasing the supply of future professionals, significant gaps between the workforce demand and supply continually challenge the industry.
Given the demographic trajectory of Nebraska as well as anecdotal and quantifiable information about our healthcare workforce, the state clearly faces emerging challenges to ensure access to an adequate workforce. While addressing workforce supply and demand requires a multifaceted approach, collaboration is a key success factor; only through the promotion of partnerships among interested parties can Nebraska’s healthcare safety net be strengthened. All Nebraska stakeholders need to carefully plan and act in order to ensure that:
The day-to-day health needs of our states’ communities are met – from helping people stay healthy and avoid illness – to effectively managing acute and chronic diseases;
The state is well positioned to meet major healthcare challenges, and
The economic health of communities is not compromised by a lack of health services available for both small and large businesses.
Ensuring an adequate healthcare workforce for Nebraska citizens requires creating a statewide agenda, primarily based on input from stakeholders across the state. With so many moving parts and so many different programs in disparate agencies, there needs to be a body specifically assigned to examine and make recommendations regarding Nebraska’s healthcare workforce.
To promote these collaborative efforts, the Nebraska Healthcare Workforce Task Force was collaboratively created in 2011. As a result of the work performed by the Nebraska Healthcare Workforce Task Force, this collective website was designed and developed, containing data and information, shortage projections, job opportunities, educational information, and links to key healthcare-related resources.