How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus

How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus

Onychomycosis, another name for toenail fungus, is a common fungal condition that can affect your toenails.

The darkening of one or more of your toenails, which may be white, brown, or yellow, is the sign that draws the most attention.

It may spread, resulting in the nails becoming thicker or even cracking. Toenail fungus is usually not something you want to see when you look at your feet, regardless of whether it is sandal season. You are in luck because there are various treatments from which to choose.

Although there are so many medications and topical creams available, they can potentially cause substantial adverse effects, ranging from stomach pain and lightheadedness to severe skin issues and jaundice. This may be why so many individuals turn to home cures instead.

We have put together this list of natural substances you can use to get rid of toenail fungus.

11 Most Common Home Remedies to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus

Extract of snakeroot, also known as Ageratina pichinchensis, is an antifungal derived from plants from the sunflower family.

Reliable Source demonstrated that the treatment is as effective against toenail fungus as the antifungal medication ciclopirox, available only with a doctor’s prescription.

During the research project, snakeroot extract was applied to the affected region on a once-weekly basis for the first month, then twice-weekly for the second month, and once-weekly for the third month.

The essential oil of oregano contains thymol. A study that was conducted in 2016 found that thymol possesses both antibacterial and antifungal effects. Applying oregano oil to the afflicted nail twice a day with a cotton swab is an effective method for treating toenail fungus.

Many combine the usage of tea tree oil and oregano oil. Both of these products are very concentrated and have the potential to irritate or trigger an allergic reaction. It is possible that combining them will raise this danger.

  • Ozonized oils

Olive oil and sunflower oil are examples of ozonized oils, which are oils that have been “injected” with ozone gas.

As one study from 2011 found, this kind of exposure to ozone in low concentrations for a short period can then inactivate various organisms such as fungi, yeast, and bacteria.

One more research to use ozonized oil as a treatment for fungal infections of the toenails, rub some of the oil into each affected toenails twice daily.

  • Baking soda

Baking soda can absorb moisture, which can help treat toenail fungus and is one of the reasons why some people recommend using it as a treatment.

In addition, it may possess fungistatic qualities, which means that it does not kill fungi but inhibits the growth of those organisms.

A limited investigation supports this conducted several years ago and found that baking soda inhibited the growth of fungi.

  • Essential oils

According to a reputable source, there is evidence that certain essential oils may have antifungal characteristics and might potentially complement or replace other antifungal medications. However, these oils may cause allergic reactions or skin irritation.

According to a reliable source, using a topical formulation containing vitamin E and the essential oils of lime, oregano, and tea tree in treating onychomycosis may have some value.

  • Black tea

Toenail and foot fungus can also be treated effectively by soaking the affected areas of the feet in a simple tea.

Tannic acid, which is found in black tea, helps to reduce sweat by drying out the feet, killing bacteria on the skin of the feet, and closing the pores.

Bring two quarts of water to a boil, and then add five to six tea bags after the water has cooled. After the solution has had time to cool, bathe the feet for half an hour. If you like, you can use this foot soak every day.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another home remedy that can be used to treat fungal infections of the toenails.

Vinegar is an antifungal substance that, when combined with water, can be used in a foot soak to treat an athlete’s foot. Its acetic acid component helps whiten discolored toenails and prevents the infection from spreading to additional toes, which are both benefits of using this remedy.

You can soak your feet for twenty minutes each day in a solution consisting of one part vinegar and two parts warm water.

  • Epsom salt

To alleviate the symptoms of your foot fungus, it may be helpful to soak your feet in a bath with Epsom salt.

You can give your feet a soak for 10 to 20 minutes in a solution consisting of one cup of Epsom salt mixed with two quarts of warm to hot water.

You might also experiment with a more complex Epsom salt concoction. After thoroughly combining all ingredients, immerse the feet for fifteen to twenty minutes. Adding only a few drops of essential oil to foot baths is beneficial.

After soaking your feet, thoroughly wash them with clean water and pat them dry with a clean towel. After finishing your foot wash, wear clean socks and shoes that allow air to circulate your feet.

  • Tea Tree Oil

When it comes to homeopathic treatment for a wide range of disorders, essential oils are becoming an increasingly popular choice.

Tea tree oil has natural antibacterial and antifungal effects. Tea tree oil is one of the most well-known essential oils for this purpose.

Before using Tea Tree Oil directly on the skin, it is vital to first dilute them with a carrier oil, such as olive or coconut oil.

The damaged nail should have a few drops of the Tea tree oil or mixture of oils applied to it, followed by a few drops of the carrier oil of your choice. As described earlier, footbaths can also benefit from adding two or three drops of Tea tree oil.

  • Garlic

Garlic is a powerful antibacterial herb. As a topical treatment, cut garlic cloves and leave them on the damaged nails for half an hour each day for a week. Do this for the full course of treatment. Raw garlic can cause a chemical burn on the skin and should only be used in moderation.

Inquire with a pharmacist about the availability of herbal supplements that include garlic. Oral use of these dietary supplements not only treats skin infections but also may be beneficial for patients suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, and some malignancies and may reduce the likelihood of being bitten by ticks.

People with stomach ulcers, digestion issues, or blood disorders shouldn’t take garlic supplements because they could worsen their symptoms.

It is also possible to reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Before taking garlic supplements by mouth, you should see a healthcare expert.

  • Cornmeal

Cornmeal has been shown to have some antifungal activity. Cornmeal can be used as a weekly home treatment for fungal infections of the toenails.

You can use cornmeal as a paste or soak it in water to treat the problem. Cornmeal can be turned into a paste by dissolving in warm water in a small pan.

Before applying the paste to your feet, give it some time to cool down. Allow it to rest for a whole hour. Add one inch of cornmeal to the bottom of a small container and use it as a soak.

Cornmeal is prepared by covering it with an inch of warm water and then waiting an hour for the cornmeal and water to combine on their own.

Common Medical treatments

In most instances, a person must take antifungal medicine orally or topically. The toenail may also need to be surgically removed when the condition is serious.

  • Topical treatments

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, a topical medication may be helpful in the treatment of a minor infection. It is possible that they could result in some moderate adverse effects, such as swelling, stinging, or burning in certain people

  • Oral treatments

A physician may prescribe oral drugs for more severe cases. These are typically more effective than topical therapies, and they act more quickly as well. However, these tablets could have specific undesirable impacts on your body. When taking antifungals, a physician could recommend that patients abstain from drinking and limit their time in the sun. In addition to this, they might need blood tests to rule out any potential issues.

What can I do to avoid getting toenail fungus?

There is no way to provide an absolute assurance that you will not contract toenail fungus. On the other hand, there are a few things you can do –

  • Refrain from walking barefoot in public places like showers, locker rooms, and swimming pools. This includes hotel rooms and showers as well as public showers. In these conditions, the vast majority of people become infected with fungus. Wear sandals or flip-flops when walking about in these public locations is a good idea.
  • If a member of your family suffers from nail fungus or foot fungus, make an effort to shower in a different area of the house or wear flip-flops while you’re in there to avoid being infected yourself.
  • Nail Fungus caused by the aggressive or inadvertent trimming of the nails might create openings via which the fungus can enter the body. Before you use your nail trimmer, make sure it’s clean.