The Nebraska Healthcare Workforce Center has been set up to be a central resource for students and professionals interested in the medical field. This site, set up by the Task Force Members below aims to serve anyone interested in the healthcare needs and opportunities unique to Nebraska. Take a look around and please, contact us with any suggestions, comments or questions.
Nebraska Healthcare Workforce Center – Vision, Mission, and Priorities:
The Nebraska Healthcare Workforce Center will be the essential resource, trusted partner and unique venue for Nebraskans to promote health and healthcare workforce development. This collaborative effort will result in a competent, diverse and sustainable workforce.
The Nebraska Healthcare Workforce Center creates and facilitates opportunities to collaboratively address issues that challenge the delivery of comprehensive, high-quality healthcare throughout the state. The Center promotes healthcare workforce development through enhanced, interdisciplinary communication, analyzes health and healthcare workforce needs, identifies strategic solutions and advocates for achievable outcomes.
- Serve as a centralized resource that provides healthcare workforce information to the current and potential healthcare workforce, policymakers and the community-at-large.
- Consolidate statewide data.
- Offer strategic solutions that promote healthcare workforce development.
Nebraska Healthcare Workforce Task Force Members:
- Area Health Education Centers
- Health Center Association of Nebraska
- Health Resources and Services Administration
- Howard County Medical Center
- Nebraska Community College Association
- Nebraska Dental Association
- Nebraska Office of Rural Health
- Nebraska Hospital Association
- Nebraska Medical Association
- Nebraska Nurses Association
- Nebraska Pharmacy Association
- Nebraska Primary Care Office
- Nebraska Rural Health Association
- Nemaha County Hospital
- Office of Community Health Development
- Office of Rural Health
- Rural Health Education Network
- The Nebraska Medical Center
- The Physicians Network
- University of Nebraska Medical Center