The End Of Gout Reviews | Must Read This Before Buying

The End Of Gout (Blue Heron Health News) is an effective program created by Shelly Manning that helps you fix your gout at its root and eliminates the real causes of your disease naturally.

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The End Of Gout Reviews

What is The End Of Gout?

The End Of Gout is a program by Blue Heron Health News. It is written by Shelly Manning, who believes and has proven how Gout can be treated from the comfort of our homes.

She is a health researcher and writer who has drafted an entire guide explaining how people can treat Gout by simply changing a few dietary subjects and adding some movements. The entire guide has been tried and tested by thousands of people suffering from Gout.

Blue Heron Health News is famous for creating such natural protocols that can help people treat themselves from their houses. The End Of Gout is a guide that has insights worth thousands of dollars and is yet very affordable for everyone to read and implement. 

The program contains years of insights that Shelly has gathered after constant research and experiments.

The End Of Gout contains recipes that suit people with arthritis and gout. However, these are not just recipes. These are dietary restrictions that are extremely minute.

These can help prevent triggers and eliminate gout completely forever. If you have been struggling with gout and its extremely painful episodes, you need to stop taking painkillers and focus on Shelly’s The End of Gout now.

How does The End of Gout work?

Shelly explains how gout happens to a few people and not everyone. She adds by explaining how gout is caused and what its root cause is. By understanding the root cause and ways to eliminate it, we can collectively fight Gout and its pain once and for all. Here’s the explanation:

  • The people who have gout have one thing in common: Poor gut health.
  • When you have lots of bad or unhealthy bacterial strains multiplying in your gut, you get a leaky gut and miss out on nutrients.
  • When there are too many bad bacteria, they even damage the kidneys.
  • Our kidneys have uric acid, which must be flushed out.
  • However, when they’re damaged, the uric acid has to remain in the kidneys, causing gout. It is also known as severe or chronic inflammation.
  • When you have poor gut health, your gut can’t eliminate the uric acid from the kidneys and causes inflammation which can bring gout pain and episodes.
  • This makes you remain in bed for days with flare-ups and terrible pain.

You can solve all of these issues by following The End Of Gout. It treats the very root cause of everything: poor gut health. 

Shelly explains the kinds of foods that you should eat and the kinds of foods that you should avoid to improve your kidney health and flush out the excessive uric acid in your kidneys. This can eliminate inflammation and eventually treat gout permanently.

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What is inside The End Of Gout program?

Shelly’s program, The End Of Gout contains A to Z information on treating Gout without the help of any medicine or anti-inflammatory pill. It has the following information:

  • The Cause of Gout: Shelly explains the root cause of gout disease in every adult. She explains this so well and easily that you do not need a science background to understand the basics. She explains everything about poor gut health, gut flora, and microbiome. She goes on to explain how your gut has 75 billion bacterial strains. Some good and bad bacteria thrive in your gut. When the bad bacteria begin to repopulate more than the good ones, you get poor gut health which causes gout. This can be corrected by the solution provided in the book.
  • Who gets Gout?: This is an easy explanation that helps you diagnose if you truly have gout, arthritis, or regular inflammation. The people who suffer from gout are usually middle-aged or older adults who do not have the energy to fight bad bacteria. Shelly explains how people of all age groups can fight gout by making a few small dietary changes.
  • List of Foods that are allowed: Shelly explains how certain food groups are allowed and specific items that can be or should be consumed by you if you have gout. Most of these foods can be probiotics, prebiotics, and healthier items. These should be included easily in your diet. The foods suggested by Shelly are neither expensive nor difficult to get.
  • List of Foods that are not allowed: There are many food items that are not allowed for you to consume if you have gout. These could help the bad bacteria multiply further and cause dangerous health issues. It becomes easier for you to eliminate these as Shelly gives you an alternative item to use in various recipes. Most people don’t even notice these changes.
  • A 7-Day Plan: Shelly provides users with a 7-day plan where she explains how the users can twist and turn the recipes and food items as per their interests and tastes. This plan can be repeated throughout the month, four or more times. You will see a drastic improvement in your gut health and a reduction in gout every 7 days. The plan includes having strawberries and chocolates for desserts, so you know now that this is not a diet.
  • Guaranteed Gout-Free Insights: Shelly lists a few more changes that you can follow to live a gout-free life forever. When you follow the program diligently, you will see how Gout can never attack you again. Most people get gout-free within a month or two.


  • The End of Gout is a systematic approach to treating gout in an all-natural way.
  • It never causes any side effects as there are no medicines or suggestions to have any drugs.
  • It has simple dietary knowledge that is very easy to implement and follow to treat Gout easily.
  • It boosts nutrition absorption when you follow the food charts.
  • It helps reduce the triggers that cause Gout pain and flare-ups.
  • It protects your kidneys and prevents inflammation.
  • It helps prevent the uric acid from being flushed out from your kidneys.
  • It helps treat gut health which results in weight loss and overall health improvement.
  • It improves mood and well-being.
  • It reduces pain and suffering caused by gout episodes.
  • It helps boost immunity and remain healthier.
  • It can be read and implemented by anyone as it is written in an easy-to-understand language.
  • It is very easy to follow the restrictions as most of those foods are not good and needed.
  • It can have a very positive impact on many other areas of your health.
  • It helps put a permanent end to Gout.

The End Of Gout Diet


Who should use The End Of Gout?

This program is only for the people who are willing to invest their time to read and implement Shelly’s knowledge of gut health and its association with Gout’s treatment.

However, if you do not implement it very well, you may not get the best results. The End Of Gout works best only when tried regularly and followed properly.

It is a perfect program for anyone who has been suffering from Gout attacks for years but can do nothing except take painkillers. These painkillers can cause nasty side effects.

If you want to get rid of Gout naturally without taking medicines and spending thousands of dollars on doctor visits, this program should be tried by you. It is a guaranteed method of treating Gout and is backed up by a money-back guarantee as well.

The End Of Gout can also be used and followed by people who simply want to improve their gut health, as it can affect every aspect of your health. Shelly’s program has many health benefits and zero ill effects.

How much does The End Of Gout cost?

The End Of Gout is a cost-effective program that helps you save thousands of dollars from taking painkillers and visiting doctors. It can be purchased as a digital copy for just $49.

This is a one-time payment. However, if you wish to have a hard copy of this program, you must pay the printing charges extra. You will be given lifetime free updates on the guide, and it can be downloaded immediately.

Also, the guide comes with a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. So you can try all the insights given in the guide for 60 days and see how it works for you.

 If your gout is not completely treated, you can claim a complete refund within 60 days of purchasing from The Blue Heron Health News’ official website. (Click to Official Website)

The End Of Gout PDF Download


The End Of Gout has become the first and only program that can treat gout and help you become gout-free naturally.

 It contains useful and very valuable insights that doctors don’t want to tell you. You can try this program risk-free by making a one-time purchase.

It has a list of everything you should eat and avoid eating. It contains a 7-day doable plan that makes you gout-free easily. Since it has worked for so many people already, it can definitely work for you too. Click here to try out The End Of Gout program by Shelly Manning now.

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